Main Team Leaders

Meet the team leaders

I am Evangelist Junaid Khan. I am so happy for Glu 1 foundation. I am great thankful to Mama Naomie kabasele who always appreciate our works in Pakistan.

Glu1 foundation no doubt it's a great trust who are supporting all careless children  and vunerable women over here in Pakistan.I  was a Muslim but now a Christian. When i connected with the founder of MPC ministries (Dr Leon Kabasele) i received several bible study sessions and today he is  a powerful, humbled man of God. Dr Leon Kabasele helped me in improving my Gospel understanding and life as a Christian.My desire is to see souls be saved and know Jesus Christ. Very loyal and determined to expand the kingdom of God, by sharing the gospel. I manage everything to do with Glu1 charity works in Pakistan. 

God bless you

My name is Rebecca Samson, i live in Tanzania. I would like to serve God very much by singing to give him glory. I also run our Glu1 foundation here in Tanzania. Now I have learned how a woman should be in the church and encourage others by caring for orphans, widows and elders in the church. We also do the work of caring for and teaching children the word of God so that they can grow up in it.  I would like to give my appericiation to Mom Naomie for this vision. I really hope that through this foundation God will do a great job to save people from different nations. God bless you all and continue to trust Christ.

Pastor Raymond Mayala

I'm Pastor Raymond Mayala Muzola. I am the manager of  Glu1 Foundation Congo branch.  I've been pastoring in one of the parishes of the charismatic Jesus Coming community. I would like to share in a few lines how I met the Lord Jesus and how I accepted him as Lord and Savior. First I must specify that I am the eldest of a family of 7 children. Around 1990 when I was 17 years old in my debauchery life, I met a sister who prayed in the prayer group that has become our church today in my passion to want at all costs to go out with her, she will give the condition that if I want her to be my girlfriend (concubine) I should go to a seminar that happened in this group. I accepted the condition, without objection because in my head I was telling myself if I fulfil her condition, he too will respond favorably to my desire. I went to this seminar, but for God it was a hook to draw me into his kingdom. when I arrived at a prayer meeting, the sister in  question did not know my private life but only of my family.

 Upon arriving it was first a strange thing for me because it was my first time to see an albino preach and the preacher in question was the Apostle Walo Mutsenga and he was speaking on: victory over the curses. And all he said in his message was as if they had resasonated  with my life. I said to myself,  this sister I  actually want to beat her up, how can she display my life to this preacher ? And another internal voice was telling me, you just come to know how she can know these hidden truths? I quickly realized that it was God speaking to me through his servant. When he called for those who wanted to accept Jesus Christ in their life I stood up and received the Lord. Since that day my life had changed, even my intentions on the sister in question had changed. I considered her more as my concubine but as a sister in the faith and that in its true sense of the word. 

From September 1990 to this day I am still in the Lord serving him while awaiting his glorious return. 

 I got to know Glu1 foundation through a brother whom I supervised named Thierry tshidika who told me about Mum Naomie kabasele and the burden that this lady had for the poor and the needs to come to their aid by  distributing food and not only food but to bring the gospel to the class of  those people who are often abandoned. This vision fits into what I thought I would do one day to the glory of God. Glu1 foundation's impact in my ministry has been incredible. Glu 1 made that today I take care of two people because the acts of Mum Naomie. She taught and motivated me to do charity works for others. 

Thank you mum Naomie and her husband Doctor Léon kabasele who believed in my modest person  and entrusted me with this mission for the DRC.

God bless you.

I'm in the person of Letitcia Maakaa Commodore. I'm the Director & Finance Manager of Glu1 Foundaion Ghana. I am the last born of five siblings. I am a final year student of University for Development Studies, offering Accounting and Finance.Glu1 foundation is one that portrays the beauty of Jesus within and abroad for others to feel and know that they are loved, despite the situation they find themsleves in. It's a great foundation to have encountered.

 My favourite colour is yellow and my hobby is to sing, listen to music and also play  keyboard. I also love to give out my best to motivate, encourage and help others, especially the youth withing my reach to live without blemish , even as they pursue their goal and purspose for life.  

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