Leon Kabasele's books

christian book author

Leon Kabasele

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  • Christian scholar

    Christian scholar: Author Leon Kabasele

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This is a book that can help us to understand that, in this world we are not alone, there is someone who said: your families will abandon you, your husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend will forsake you but me Jesus Christ, I will never let you go even on the hospital bed I will be there with you. Friends not body created God, we do not know were He came from, we believe to someone who does not have an end and nothing can defeat Him. Let us believe to Him through His begotten Son who shade His blood for us and we will have eternal life. Amen. Friends I was in hospital about a year in come but Jesus Christ Himself healed me.

This is a book that can help us to understand that, in this world we are not alone, there is someone who said: your families will abandon you, your husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend will forsake you but me Jesus Christ, I will never let you go even on the hospital bed I will be there with you. Friends not body created God, we do not know were He came from, we believe to someone who does not have an end and nothing can defeat Him. Let us believe to Him through His begotten Son who shade His blood for us and we will have eternal life. Amen.

My first book, Jesus Christ Is My God, explained that in this world, we are not alone; somebody said, Your families will abandon you, your husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend will forsake you, but Jesus Christ will never let you go. Even on a hospital bed, he will be there with you.

My second book, Spiritual Development, is about how you can develop both spiritually and physically. The book discusses all sixteen chapters of the book of Romans, especially as it connects to your life today. The book also discusses the book of Philemon. Those two books analyse biblical passages from Jewish and Christian versions of the holy book. I have a keen eye for etymology and offer finely detailed explanations of many of the original Hebrew and Greek terms in the Bible.

This book, Christian Philosophy: Understanding Racial Oppression, discusses Christian philosophy and the ideology of colonisation. This book discusses many Christian issues, including creation and how this world functions. I think this book can tell you many top secrets. This book was written with my understanding of Christian philosophy in this modern time. The book does not reveal private secrets but exposes some things that need to be found; this is an idea of archeology without physical digging

My first book, Jesus Christ Is My God, explains that in this world, we are not alone. Your family may abandon you, your husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend may forsake you, but Jesus Christ will never let you go. Even on a hospital bed, he will be there with you.” My second book, Spiritual Development, is about how you can develop both spiritually and physically. The book discusses all sixteen chapters of the book of Romans, especially as it connects to your life today. The book also discusses the book of Philemon. Those two books analyse biblical passages from Jewish and Christian versions of the Holy Book. I have a keen eye for etymology and offer finely detailed explanations of many of the original Hebrew and Greek terms in the Bible. My third book, Christian Philosophy: Understanding Racial Oppression, discusses Christian philosophy and the ideology of colonisation. The book discusses many Christian issues, including creation and how this world functions, and reveals many top secrets. The book was written with my understanding of Christian philosophy in this modern time. The book does not reveal private secrets but exposes some important things. This book, How to Pray: The 12 Top Secrets of Prayer and Concentration, can help in good prayer orientation. It develops the way that we think of prayer. I discuss the prayer in terms of concentration – how people can start their prayers and how the prayers should end. In today’s world, many issues need to be prayed about before making decisions. Sometimes people make decisions without consulting God, and many decisions and laws fail due to this bad orientation.

This book, African Inter-religious Dialogue: Philosophy and Theology, my fifth, discusses many issues concerning African theology so Africans may understand their roots and consider them first. It discusses in depth philosophical aspects of African religion and the challenges that religious philosophy faces. In particular, this book discusses why many Africans leave their ancestral religion for other religions. Through an analysis of many religions in Africa, I have discovered that as a result of colonialism, many religions oppose each other even if they have the same structures, and that this has brought about religious and political conflict among followers of these religions. Therefore, my research and analysis seeks to expose the importance of dialogue between religions in Africa to bring about understanding among their followers. In the public sphere, religions should have an impact on the African countries in which theyre practised, and to do so, governments should authorise religions to take part in the political discourse.

I wrote Philosophy of Motivation for the reader to understand motivation and the importance of being self-motivated. Many authors have written books about philosophy, but few of them have written about practical philosophy. This book explains how philosophy of motivation can help somebody be self-motivated in real life. Being motivated does not show in ones appearance; it is about helping each other and learning from each other. As long as we are thinking of our dreams, we can benefit other people and motivate ourselves as well. Everybody has the ability to help other people, and doing favours for others will make one feel better as well.

Through my research, I discovered that when there are many philosophers, there will be many different ideas as well. So there will be as many philosophers as there are philosophies. In this book, I discuss many points that can help communities and entire countries be motivated in everything that they do. I encourage readers to be filled with motivation because dreams cannot be allowed to die, even when contrary philosophical concepts come to destroy them. I believe that every human being has a talent, for nobody was created by mistake. Somebodys talent can be dependent on the environment where the person lives. I personally like this book because I felt motivated when writing it. I believe that being self-motivated is the key to success and achieving a good goal. The reader will understand that happiness does not mean winning a lottery but achieving ones dream.

My sixth book, The Worlds Problems and Solutions, discusses many issues concerning the world, and from these debates, analysis, and development, many people in the world will find the solution to most of the problems in their countries. There is not only one problem, such as the world financial crisis there are many crises that affect the world. From my research, I believe that there is also war on religion that affects the world, and the governments have a duty to serve the population rather the population serving the governments. I discover there is even a problem about the human race as a whole: scientist experiments do not provide exact information because they are still discovering more information about the human race. Many people have their own philosophical methods to find the solutions in their continent and also in their countries. Therefore my research and analysis seeks to expose the solution to many problems in the world. The politicians, governments, religions, and others world institutions will find this book very interesting for humanitys development.

This book will help those who study philosophy, also those who do research on philosophy, those who have already studied philosophy, and those who enjoy keeping in touch with philosophy. I selected the most important points to debate in this book. I, myself, call this book a good quality of philosophy because I do not want to be outside of philosophy. Those who study philosophy should not feel useless, because the modernity wants to decrease the success of philosophy in human society. Most people think philosophy is just to study, but that is not true. If it was true, we should go back to challenge the Greek dictionary. I made it simple for everybody to understand that philosophy is not what people think in a negative manner; also, people who consider philosophy as a science are confused. That is not a problem, because everybody does not think the same. So readers will understand, in this book, philosophy is about the love of wisdom and more deep wisdom to think about something. Those who will read this book will be very satisfied, because most of the debates are well explained.

In Groundwork for a Philosophy of Peace, readers will learn how human beings are capable of analyzing peace in the world. Readers will understand the meaning of politics according to the viewpoints of Aristotle and Immanuel Kant. This book is not for reading only; it is for developing ideas that human beings have been ignoring for many generations, during which time the world has existed in ignorance without a good plan for the future. The conflict started when human beings started to develop and multiply on earth, and expanded as they populated the entire world. The consciousness of human beings is based on living in harmony; but there are just few people who enjoy a better life in the world. More people become depressed in their own countries when their authorities do not provide them with the peace they need. On other hand, the population refuses to respect the principles of their authorities. Sometime the feelings are reciprocal; the citizens need to claim their rights, but the authorities feel the citizens are against them. Also the authorities want to solve the citizens' problems, but the citizens feel that the authorities are not working for them. Many people will discover that Groundwork for a Philosophy of Peace is a new philosophy for peace. It is about thinking deeper about the situation and debating the matters that need to be resolved. When you finish reading this book, please read also: The World's Problems and Solutions: Diversity Issues Analysis: Dealing with Human Race, Human Rights, Philosophy, Scientific, Religious, and World Economic Issues.

This is an excellent book for theology analysis of church philosophy. At the end book of this book, a reader or a student will understand the meaning of church, and this book gives the main definition of church in many areas of the theology and philosophy. A reader will understand the growth of the church in relation to Pentecost. This book is not about to reveal the bad negative of the church, but it gives an excellent meaning of theology and philosophy of a church; this book shows that a church needs scientific contribution and also science needs a churchs point of view to the worlds solution. A reader will understand how both politics and church are working together for contribution in the community. If a reader needs to understand more in-depth church philosophy, I recommend to the readers also reading my books titled Christian Philosophy: Understanding Racial Oppression, African Inter-religious Dialogue: Philosophy and Theology.

Before something good or bad happens to a person, there must be a sign of it. Many astrologers, philosophers, and others have written about dreams with varying interpretations. Everybody has a dream, everybody dreams a dream, and some have had a dream that is now in the past. The Dream of Angels is centered on human dreams and angels. The author shares insights revolving around dreams, emphasizing that while some dreams occur when we are asleep, they can also come to us when we are awake or unconscious. Relying on metaphysics, this book provides hints to ensure the good orientation of your dreams?and explores how to accomplish goals. Whether you?re a philosopher, psychologist, theologian, or student, you?ll find meaningful insights on what dreams are and why they are important in this book.

Theology and Feminism in Religion: Critical Analysis of Principles and Text Interpretation: Dealing with woman ministry, feminist, society, rights and politics

Theology and Feminism in Religion: Critical Analysis of Principles and Text Interpretation: Dealing with woman ministry, feminist, society, rights and politics 

I believe that, fighting for money is foolishness but fighting for a woman is warfare. Every human being is a spirit, only physical appearance that makes human being different. Everything that a woman can do, a man can also do, they only think differently. A gender of someone does not make him/her to become useless but it is about the mind. What is inside of someone, also manifests outside. Everyone is capable to change the world according to what she/he is thinking. Judgmental is something that makes our world go backwards and many things will not to be improved. Religion does not have to be strong to take an action, in order to accept female in every organisation in it because religion can confuse many people with their different convictions. I spent many years observing women in different religions. I took many risks in different countries for women right in the religion area. I organised important conferences concerning women in the world. 

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